About us

Sampling Science and Technology (SST) is the official communication platform of the International Pierre Gy Sampling Society (IPFSA). SST is offered as a forum for scientific and technological interaction among all members of the world sampling community and beyond.

The major thrust is educational, at all levels of interest. As such, SST welcomes any-and-all didactic etudes, practical perspectives, exemplary case histories, as well as the occasional theoretical article aimed at all sampling practitioners.

International Pierre Gy Sampling Association (IPGSA)

Sampling Science and Technology (SST) is published by the International Pierre Gy Sampling Association (IPGSA). The purpose of IPGSA is to oversee formal activities of the world sampling community and to represent the views of this community.

The Association is a common-interest, unincorporated association of individuals solely associated for the common purpose of promoting the interests of the international sampling community and its various activities.

Learn more about IPGSA at intsamp.org.

Editorial Team

SST is supervised by an editorial team, which processes authors’ manuscripts.

Editor-in-chief is Professor Kim H. Esbensen, an international expert and consultant in sampling (Theory of Sampling, TOS), chemometrics and PAT (Process Analytical Technology). You can learn more about Esbensen’s work at kheconsult.com.

Editorial Assistance is in the capable hands of ReConsider (Anne J. Cole). Anne takes care of proofreading all manuscripts and the magazine, and is available to authors concerning correct language, citation and proper referencing. In 2020 Anne established ReConsider. You can learn more about her and her services at reconsideredit.com.

Publisher is Benedikt Dolzer. As a designer and developer he is responsible for the design and layout of the magazine as well as the website. His publishing house bd-verlag is responsible for production of SST. You can learn more about his work at hotpixels.de and bd-verlag.de.