How to contribute

If you are interested in contributing to Sampling Science and Technology (SST), you can find all the necessary information about article format specifications and guidelines as well the mandatory publication agreement on this page.

What can I write about?

Sampling Science and Technology (SST) serves as a collaborative platform fostering scientific and technological engagement within the global sampling community. Our primary objective is to have a significant educational impact, catering to various levels of interest.

SST embraces didactic studies, practical insights, illustrative case histories, and occasional theoretical articles tailored for the sampling community in both strict and broad senses. Your valuable contributions play a pivotal role in our mission to cultivate professional sampling competence across diverse societal sectors where sampling holds significance — spanning science, technology, industry, trade, food/feed, public health, and more.

How will my contribution be used?

The publisher may publish your article in the publication Sampling Science and Technology (SST). Once your article has been accepted, we undertake to publish it as soon as reasonably possible, aiming for the next scheduled issue of SST.

Papers in SST are published under a Creative Commons license. Using the CC BY-SA license we make sure that credit must be given to the authors and adaptations must be shared under the same terms. More information regarding this license can be found here:

If your paper includes an image that was used with permission, or as fair use, the CC license will only apply to your original content, not that image.

What requirements are there regarding my contribution?

There are some format requirements and rules regarding consistent titles, captions and citations. All Article Format Specifications are summarized in the following PDF document:

SST Article Format Specifications

In the following documents we provide some information and examples on how to cite correctly using APA style. SST requires that all spelling follows the British English format. We also provide you with some examples of the most problematic differences between British English and American English.

APA guidelines for authorsBritish English Spelling

You as the author (and all co-authors) must sign a publication agreement. In the future, a digital agreement should also be possible on this website. Until then, it will be necessary to send the document to us scanned after signing. The current Publication Agreement can be accessed at the following link:

SST Publication Agreement

I have additional questions

If you have scientific questions regarding a contribution, please contact the Editor-in-chief at

I would like to support SST as a sponsor

You can support individual or consecutive issues of SST as a sponsor. For rates and exclusive sponsor advertising opportunities, reach out to us at