Simon C. Dominy

Dr Simon Dominy is a mining geologist-engineer with over 25 years’ experience based in operations, consulting and academia. He has a background in mine operations and technical/leadership roles, with multi-commodity and continent experience. He has worked across the mine value chain from project studies, through to mine reopening/development and operations. Simon is an acknowledged expert in the evaluation and exploitation of coarse gold-bearing high-nugget effect deposits. He has designed and managed numerous studies relating to geometallurgy; resource development; sampling protocol optimisation; bulk sampling programmes; resource/reserve estimation; and grade control. He has authored numerous technical reports (JORC 2012 and NI 43-101), and peer reviewed journal and conference papers. He is a Visiting Associate Professor at the Camborne School of Mines, University of Exeter, UK, and holds technical/advisory positions with Novo Resources Corp., Artemis Resources Ltd, Puma Exploration Inc., and OCX Gold Group. In 2022, Simon was awarded the Pierre Gy Sampling Gold Medal by the IPGSA.